Meet the customizer

The Fat kid customs Experience

Hi! I'm Dee, the owner and artist behind Fat Kid Custom Kicks. I have been customizing shoes for as long as I can remember. It all started with my desire to be unique in my favorite part about fashion, footwear. There were more times than I can count, that I couldn't find the perfect outfit for my newest pair of shoes or vice versa. So I took to customizing. Started with only my own shoes using sharpie and puffy paints (Yikes!) Through the power of social medial, online tutorials and lots of trial and error, I have learned so much found the best materials & methods for my artwork. 

I am a Tampa girl, born and raised. I love my city and everything about it. You can catch me at sneaker events throughout the area! I am the definition of a sneakerhead. But more importantly, I love customizing. It's the most satisfying feeling to be able to put someone else's vision (and a little of my artistic flair) on a shoe or article of clothing for them to wear proudly for years to come. 

Can't wait to get started on your customs.

Hit me up to book a consult today!